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by either joining or renewing your HWCA membership in 2025!​​

Community  Events

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The Highland West Civic Association, 2025.

...Stronger Together

Thursday, March 13, 2025, Highland West Community Meeting.  "Serving People More Sustainably", the first of our community Empowerment series,  Hilltop Library, Room No. 1, 7:00 PM.  Our moderator will be Malik Moore, former GHAC Area Commissioner. Our panel will bring together local non-profit leaders, subject matter experts, city officials and community leaders to start conversations and open dialogue. The goal of is to find ways to better serve people in Highland West who are facing food insecurity, addiction, and homelessness.  

Our success and our ability to bring people together is dependent upon your support as members of The Highland West Civic Association, along with your willingness to volunteer and take part in our programs and advocacy.  Highland West holds great promise and WE INVITE you to become part of "the vision" of all that it can be.    You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.  Annual dues are good for one year from their payment date.  Please submit your dues via the Join/Renew button below.

Annual membership categories are as follows:

Individual    $15.00
Household  $25.00
Senior          $10.00

We’re now in The Giving Store! The Giving Store at is a one-stop shop for effective and easy philanthropy of any kind. Check out our organization in The Giving Store by clicking on the link below  to make a gift today or in the future:

Mark your calendars now to join us during the coming year for our Highland West Community Empowerment Series, a series of events designed to:

  • Spark critical conversations on issues important to Highland West Residents.
  • Connect you with valuable resources.
  • Amplify your voices to make a difference in your community.

Thank you so much for your support!

To  donate to the good works that we do in our community, please use the "Donate" button.  

Thanks for your support